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Membership Information

You have selected the Free Member membership level.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).

Already have an account? Log in here

Details About You & Your Profile Photo (Mandatory)

This information is required
This information is shown on your public profile.

To fall within the requirements of the overall look and flow of the WFN website, each Membership Profile is required to have a headshot of that member. This is not permitted to be a company Logo or graphic. The headshot is a mandatory requirement for your Profile Page. Accounts without a headshot will not be approved and may be deleted by Admin. It is preferred your headshot has some form of wildlife orientated background, but this is not essential. The recommended upload size is 250px X 250px.

Please write a short introduction to yourself (up to 100 words) that will appear publicly in the websites search results list. Please Note: The text in this section does not appear in you 'Long Description/Bio'

Please write a longer description about yourself in this section (up to 1000 words). This will appear publically on your Profile Page as the area where you tell people about yourself, your work history and experiences, what jobs role you do/or would like to undertake, what area of wildlife production you work in / would like to work in, and what wildlife life you are interested in. The more detail you write in this section, the better impression someone will have you. Your Profile Page will not be made 'live' if you leave this section blank.

Your Job Roles

This information is required
This information is shown on your public profile.
Should your specific job role not be available in one of the drop down menus. Please email us the details and we will add it to the database/system.
First click on the 'Job Categories' drop down menu to select which categories you would like to appear in, and then click on the 'Job Role' drop down men to select which job you do, within these categories. Your Profile Page will not be found efficiently by our database system unless you specify a Job Role within each Job Category.

Administrative Checks

This information is NOT shown on your public profile.

This information is required to confirm you are over the age of 18.

This information is only required for WFN competitions, so we can guarantee giving a prize out to each gender.

Your Address for Google Maps – This information is mandatory

This information is required
This information is required so Google Maps can produce a 'Map Pin' for your profile.


By joining the Wildlife Film Network or updating my membership details via this form, I hereby agree for my details to be publicly displayed on the Wildlife Film Network website and/or the Wildlife Film Network under the GDPR rules.