WFN Network meeting locations for 2025
We are looking to our WFN members to let us know where they would like us to hold our ‘Face-to-Face’ Network Meetings during 2025; so we can build a calendar of locations that fits in with as many peoples needs as we can. Should you wish us to have a WFN Network Meeting near you, please email us via our ‘Contact Us‘ form, and we will develop a scheduled calendar from the information we receive.
These meetings will be held on the third Saturday of each calendar month, so more people will be able to travel to them from further afield, than may be able to on a week night. The meetings will be held in different cities around the UK, for anyone who wishes to join us in person for a chat. This meeting will be open to all wildlife and wildlife film production related subjects.
We are also going to keep things simple by holding our first few meetings in various restaurants or public houses. Here you will be able to mingle and chat with other WFN members, whilst also being able to access the bar or have a meal if you wish. These meetings are intended to be very informal, so feel free to pop along on the way home from work, or bring a friend / partner if you like.
– These meetings will be open to all wildlife and wildlife film production related subjects.
– All levels of WFN membership are welcome to attend this network meeting.
– You DO NOT need to be member of the Wildlife Film Network to attend a Face-to-Face meeting.
Quarterly ‘Face-to-Face’ WFN Network Meetings:
( You do not need to be a member of the WFN to attend a face-to-face network meeting )

Spring Meetings 2025 – TBA
M1) ??/??/25 Tuesday Meeting (via Zoom)
M2) ??/??/25 ‘Face-to-Face’ Network Meeting
M3) ??/??/25 Thursday Meeting (via Zoom)

Summer Meetings 2025 – TBA
M1) ??/??/25 Tuesday Meeting (via Zoom)
M2) ??/??/25 ‘Face-to-Face’ Network Meeting
M3) ??/??/25 Thursday Meeting (via Zoom)

Autumn Meetings 2025 – TBA
M1) ??/??/25 Tuesday Meeting (via Zoom)
M2) ??/??/25 ‘Face-to-Face’ Network Meeting
M3) ??/??/25 Thursday Meeting (via Zoom)

Winter meetings 2025- TBA
M1) ??/??/25 Tuesday Meeting (via Zoom)
M2) ??/??/25 ‘Face-to-Face’ Network Meeting
M3) ??/??/25 Thursday Meeting (via Zoom)
The team behind Wildlife Film Network
Welcome everyone to the Wildlife Film Network. If you would like more information about anything to do with the Wildlife Film Network; please use the Contact Us form here.