Wildlife Photographic Awards (WFNAPA)
- You do not need to be a member of the Wildlife Film Network to enter the WFNAPA Photographic Awards.
- These will be an annual award, with final Judging occurring during October each year.
- You may submit / enter as many photographs as wish, from the 1st April to the 1st October (Inclusively).
- You do not need to enter all your photographs in one submission / upload. You may enter as many photographs as you like, at any time throughout the submission period, as often as you wish.
- You may enter as many photographic categories as you like (Wildlife, Marine, Macro, Landscape, Behind the scenes, Heavily photo-shopped)
The WFNAPA awards will have six categories:
- Wildlife:
This is a photograph of any wildlife, large or small, in any location from across the world. - Marine:
This is a photograph of any marine wildlife, or marine wildlife orientated photograph, either taken topside or underwater. - Macro:
This is a photograph of any wildlife taken with a Macro lens, either on location or in a purpose built set. - Landscape:
This is a photograph of a wildlife landscape – The wildlife does not need to be the central point of focus within this photograph. - Behind the scenes:
This can be a photograph of you working on a set you have built, carrying equipment up a mountain or any other behind the scenes photo of you working on wildlife orientated production. - Computer Edited Image:
This can be a photograph that has been very heavily edited with computer software to emphasise any attribute within the photo, that would otherwise disqualify it from the competition for being un-natural. You can swap out the sky, remove backscatter, add a feature or make a collage of more than one original photo etc.
The Prize fund will be as follows…
The Wildlife Film Network is going to fund their prize fund system based upon the number of individual submissions / entries. We are not going to place a cap on the amount of prize money offered. Therefore, the more entries there are, the higher the prize money will be.
Saying this, upon winning a category you will be able to call yourself ‘An award winning wildlife photographer’ which in turn is worth far more within the industry than any prize fund.
- 1st Prize:
Will receive 20% of all accumulated submission / entry fees in their selected category. - 2nd Prize:
Will receive 10% of all accumulated submission / entry fees in their selected category. - 3rd Prize:
Will receive 5% of all accumulated submission / entry fees in their selected category. - Highly Commended:
Will receive a certificate of achievement.
All prize winners and Highly Commended will also receive ‘free membership’ to the Wildlife Film Network for life.
Everyone entering a submission / photograph/s will be required to pay an ‘submission / entry fee’ at the time of submission to cover the cost of independent judges, the accumulated prize funds, winners certificates and trophies etc. For your security, these submission / entry fees will be paid via PayPal.
Submission /entry amounts and fees.
You may submit / enter your photographs under the submission process, via our online submissions forms.
You are not permitted to enter photographs into this competitions via any other route than our online submission forms
£10 – 1 Photograph
£35 – Up to 5 photographs
£50 – Up to 10 photographs
We have set the submission costs at this level to –
A) To try to discourage people with inferior quality photographs from entering the awards process.
B) To increase the award ceremony prize fund to a significant level as we can for all entries.
You may enter any photograph into any category as you wish.
You may enter multiple photographs, in multiple categories, within one submission / entry.

- The Wildlife Film Network will NOT keep the copyright to any of the photographs you submit.
- By submitting your photographs, you agree that the Wildlife Film Network can publish / display your photographs within the Wildlife Film Network website (or any other media, such as the WFN monthly newsletter) for the purposes of promoting both the photographic competition and the Wildlife Film Network in general.
- Judging will be made anonymously by persons not holding membership of the Wildlife Film Network
- Judging may be done remotely via Google Forms.
- The results of the judging will be published live on the Wildlife Film Network website for all to see.
- The Judges / WFN Administrators decision will be final.
- You will be notified of your winning photograph by email before the end of December in the year that the competition runs.
- All photograph submission fees will be made via our online submission form, and all submission payments will be paid via an automated PayPal system at the time of submission.
- PayPal will automatically send you a receipt for your payment via email.
- Any photographs submitted without the payment of the submission fee will not be entered into the competition.
- All prize monies will be paid to the winning parties by the end of the following January, either by BACS Transfer / International BACS payment, or PayPal
- No refunds for submissions will be made at any time for any reason whatsoever.