In addition to your course fees there is a one off, fully refundable, equipment damage waiver which must also be paid at the time of booking your course. This payment will be refunded to you in full after the course, assuming no damage to any equipment is made.
The equipment Damage waiver for all our courses is £1000.
The equipment damage waiver will be used to repair or replace any equipment which you may damage during the running of your course. We have had to levy the fund at this level as some of the equipment is very expensive (for example: a camera battery may cost £400, and a telephoto camera lens may cost £10,000) If you damage or lose any equipment, the replacement cost of the item will be removed from the equipment damage waiver you have paid.
The only exception to the above statement is camera equipment, as the ‘care and wellbeing’ of the camera equipment should be a priority of the group as a whole.
In its very nature cameras and camera equipment is very expensive, so if any of the camera equipment is damaged during a course, all of the ‘Equipment Damage Waivers’ from each student on that course will be pooled together to cover the repair or replacement of the damaged item.
Any funds remaining after the repair / replacement of the damaged equipment, will be refunded back to the students on that course.
Any damages to your own ‘Personal equipment’ will not be paid for out of the Equipment Damage Waiver.
We have this equipment damage waiver in place as it helps us to significantly lower the insurance cover for our courses, which in turn lowers our premiums and in turn, allows us to charge less for your courses.
We hope you understand this when it comes to paying this deposit, as ultimately it is for your benefit and makes your course fees considerably lower.
- The equipment damage waiver is mandatory when attending a course.
- The equipment damage waiver is payable at the time of booking your course – either as part of the first payment if you have paid a deposit, or with the course fee if you are paying in full.
- Payment in cash on the first day of the course is not accepted.
- Any damages to your own personal equipment will not be paid for out of the equipment damage waiver.
- By booking and paying for your course and the equipment damage waiver, you hereby agree to be bound by the conditions laid out the equipment damage section.